The Lewis Prize for Music Awards - 2022

The Lewis Prize for Music is dedicated to fairness, inclusion and transparency. The Prize Finalists and Awardees are chosen through a rigorous and comprehensive process that incorporates evaluation and input from diverse leaders in the fields of music, education, policy, research, philanthropy and community organizing. This includes young adult alumni leaders from creative youth development programs. 

Below are lists of our Readers and Panelists as well as the applications and rubrics for each stage of our annual process. 

ROUND ONE READERS (age 25 and under)

Bisagna “Bisah” Suh, 4421 Productions

Camille Jones, Voices Unheard

Casemi Simmon, Alum and Artist Mentor, The David’s Harp Foundation

Daphine Henderson, University of of Maryland at College Park

Imani Harris, Northwestern University and alum, Mosaic Youth Theatre of Detroit 

Jonathan Turner, SIPP Culture

Natasha Rosario, Alum and Development Associate, Community MusicWorks

Sky Mebane, Alum, Beyond the Bars

Yesenia Perez, Harvard Graduate School of Education

ROUND ONE READERS (age 26 and over)

Anneliese Martinez, Consultant 

Chloe Kline, Community MusicWorks

Dennis Ryan, Mosaic Youth Theatre Detroit

Erica Bauer, Chicago Bulls

Erin Washington, SoulCenter

Maung Nyeu, Our Golden Hour

Jeff Grogan, Oklahoma City University

Joseph Mack, The David’s Harp Foundation

Mac Howison, The Heinz Endowments

Mollie Ducoste, Beyond the Bars and Temple University

Monica Metzler, My Voice Music

Myran Parker-Brass, Educator and Consultant 

Rachael Nez, First Peoples Fund

Robyn Hilger, American Choral Directors Association

Stefon Harris, Musician, Educator, Rutgers University - Newark, and The LewisPrize Board of Directors

SEMI-FINALIST REVIEW PANEL (comprised of the following Round One Readers)

Bisagna “Bisah” Suh, 4421 Productions

Camille Jones, Voices Unheard

Imani Harris, Northwestern University and alum, Mosaic Youth Theatre ofDetroit 

Jonathan Turner, SIPP Culture

Natasha Rosario, Alum and Development Associate, Community MusicWorks

Yesenia Perez, Harvard Graduate School of Education  

Joseph Mack, The David’s Harp Foundation

Mac Howison, The Heinz Endowments

Rachael Nez, First Peoples Fund


Amber Scales, University of Alabama 

Jenna Nicholas, Impact Experience 

Stefon Harris, Musician, Educator, Rutgers University - Newark, and The LewisPrize Board of Directors

Victor Del Carmen, University of Massachusetts-Amherst

Court Ruark, The Management Center

Read our 2022 Round One Application and Rubric

Read our2022 Finalist Application and Award Selection