Logo and Brand Guidelines
Use our Brand Assets to refer to The Lewis Prize for Music.
Write “The Lewis Prize for Music” in full.
Use the logo as it appears below.
Write “The Lewis Prize” as shorthand.
Alter the logo by stretching or distorting it.
Modify or alter the Brand Assets by using alternative text or language.
Incorporate the Brand Assets, or anything confusingly similar, into your trademarks, domain names, logos or similar content.
Present the Brand Assets in a way that makes them the most prominent or distinctive feature of what you’re creating.
Use the Brand Assets in merchandise or other products.
Use trademarks, domain names, logos, or other content that imitate or could be confused with The Lewis Prize for Music.
For information about our Branding Guidelines and requests for additional branding assets, contact LewisPrize@djmdcorp.com
Primary Logo